
An Accomplishment that Matters!

Being the oldest of my two siblings, I am the first to graduate from a university. It’s truly a privilege to live up to my parents expectations. Ever since I can remember, my parents said I had no option because I was going to college no matter what happened. They always taught me to work hard at anything I do with the promise that it will all pay off. I’m finally at the point where I have graduated and can see everything falling into place. I am blessed to have parents that have pushed me and I want to thank them especially. They’ve taught me core values like how to to be polite, a gentlemen and seek God first. I feel God’s favor daily and I know his “goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life”.

I’ve learned so much in school but one thing that will always stick with me is the idea of becoming a life long learner; someone who does not stop seeking the growth of his or her own potential and knowledge. I plan on continuing to practice my skills in JMO Media but I also plan on obtaining professional IT certifications in order to continue to grow, create opportunities and provide for my future family.

Getting my degree has been one of the biggest milestones of my life. Once again thank you to all my family and friends who have supported me!






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